Community of Practice

Every mum has access to a dedicated Believe Advocate who will work through our bespoke “Believe Mental Health Support Programme” with them. 

“As part of this process we encourage you to meet with your Advocate once a fortnight. We are happy to help and support you through your journey a key to this is building this relationship of trust, openness and guidance.” 

The Believe Project is here to support mothers who find themselves with Social Care involvement through, a child  being Born into Care,  a Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need Order or child who has been removed, 

Our programme is based around The Motherwell Flower – working through mums own ‘personal journey’ and tailored to mum’s own personal requirements.

We can offer:

Emotional Support

This time can be challenging for mothers – we will support you in what you are feeling and going through from the start of your journey onwards.

Practical Support

The A-Z of making sure you can complete your journey with us helping to ease some of the stress or challenges that you may be experiencing.


Counselling is a way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with the support of another person in a confidential place.


A mentor is a person or friend who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modelling positive behaviours.


We will help you access and direct you to other specialist support services to help you on your journey.

Peer Support Groups

You won’t be the only person on this journey. We help you connect with those who are sharing your experience to help identify and overcome common issues.

Support Meetings

We can help with support at meeting with social care and other agencies

Every mum has access to a dedicated support worker who will work through our bespoke “Believe Mental Health Support Programme” with them. 

Our programme is based around The Motherwell Flower – working through mums own ‘personal journey’ and tailored to mum’s own personal requirements.

How We Support You!

Flower 1

Every mum has access to a dedicated support worker who will work through our bespoke “Believe Mental Health Support Programme” with them.  Our programme is based around The Motherwell Flower – working through mums own ‘personal journey’ and tailored to mum’s own personal requirements.

The Motherwell Flower will help us track, monitor and support you on your journey.