Our Impact

“Without the support of my Believe Advocate I don’t think I would be here today! I could talk about anything without feeling ashamed. I was valued and listened to.”

(Believe service user)

Our Statistics

Our staff work tirelessly on a daily basis, to provide a first class service for those mothers who need support.  Over the  period 2017-2020 we have provided…

Client Feedback

Names and several details within these case studies may have been changed to protect our service user’s privacy.  These testimonials have been gathered with the approval of the service user.  

Partnership Working

Cheshire Uni logo

We have recently finished working with Chester University after 3 years and they have concluded that our Believe project does improve the mental health and self esteem of mums involved in social care for the full report please click on


These findings will be used for the Believe team to shape further development of the project. These findings will also be used for other charities to use as a baseline for setting up their own Believe project locally.

As part of our service…

Believe Group session

Each mum is partnered with a dedicated Motherwell Support Worker for both emotional and practical support. The Support Worker helps the mum understand and deal with whatever stage of the social care process they are in.

They accompany the mum to all levels of social care meetings from Core Groups to Looked After Review Meetings, offering support and advice where needed.

Our Believe support worker attended 758 meetings or calls from January – September 2020, which was one of the toughest periods for our Believe mums as the first Covid-19 lockdown occurred.

Positive feedback following meetings:
“Thank you so much for coming with me – I felt heard for the first time. They usually ignore me!!” KH
“I’m really glad you talked to me about what to expect in the meeting. I didn’t feel as nervous.” SG

“I’m glad you helped me think about questions before we went in, I was so frightened in there I’d have probably forgotten everything.” LB
“It’s so good being able to talk to you after a meeting and know you’ve written things down for me – you’re like my own personal secretary”…laugh KG

The Support Worker can also act as an intermediary with social workers, solicitors and any other agencies/support services if needed.

Feedback from the group is also very positive: 
“Felt good to be with girls who know what I’m really going through”
“Think today is the first time I’ve felt relaxed around other people, thanks for making me come!”
“What lovely girls, glad I’m not on my own in this!”


The Peoples Health Trust have supported our project for the last 2 years to offer peer support for the mums that we support. At the beginning of the project we took part in an evaluation organised by the Peoples Health Trust. Please read more about this project. by clicking here.